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Welcome to Privacy and Spying .Com NOTES:
I hope to create a "c-dilla FAQ" from the 600+, Yes That's Correct, emails I received over the past four years looking for help, and add links to other c-dilla specific resources.
One resource we can all create is as complete "List" of programs using the C-Dilla, SafeCast, SafeDisc License Management System (LMS). For that purpose I have added a "C-Dilla Programs List" Forum, and with your help and assistance it will become a reality.
Are you being watched? "You bet you are!!"
"Why are you being watched/spied upon?"
Ooops! Did I forget to mention "Rats"!! That's the new designation for "Worms" that have the ability to infect your system (aka,trojons/worms) that can ACTIVATE you Sound Card and Cam to actually Watch and/or Listen in on you while ya work.. And you were wondering why your new 500mhz seemed slower 286 Dx on a good day!!! Oh ya, what about Echelon!! This story just keeps getting better all the time..
Some notes of interest.
You will notice there are several links on this page, to two types of software programs.
OK.. What do they expect to find? That's just it, I don't know! (We can speculate right?)
I kept running the DNS and finally I got transfered to the web address that was using it. Yep, you're right, there it was in the middle of the night, UDP requests to everyone online, which happened to be me and a tech guy but he wasn't using a firewall. So what was it all about? Who knows!! What I do know, it wasn't some love struck server put'n the moves on my old 300mhz AMD... (More speculation here.) So what did I do? Nothing.. What can you say, could be some new kinda new internet testing program, like the computer program your local telephone company runs every day to test the lines and detected illegal bugging equipement, oh I mean bad grounds on your telephone line. If it were to happen a second time then I'd take it personal. As it was I gave all the info to my ISP and Wired to create a record of the incident. Another story, I'll make it short.. I do alot of private email forwarding, and handle the email for several of my clients, so I scan everything passing through my system. G what's happening here! Someone is sending one of my clients an .exe acuteable containing the Happy99 virus. First I send them a note telling them this file won't run on my computer. All I get in return is an auto-reply with another copy of the .exe attached, ya and it contains the virus too. I write root@ asking if username@telephoneco.net is a legit user. Hey these guys were back to me less than an hour, and yes it was a valid address.
I FWD'd them the email, attached virus an all, and the Norton's AV, Fix-It AV and Fprot reports asking them to look into this. G a week goes by so I drop them a note.. nothing... Ya don't think they're more than a little embarrassed to tell me someone hi-jacked their mail server and used dummy accounts to distribute this happy little virus huh..
So I decided to create this page to discuss the privacy and spying issues related to using the Internet. A while back I went to check on SpinRight version 5 at Steve Gibson's http://grc.com and was surprised to see he'd developed a new program called Shiels-Up. I gave it a try and successfully passed the attempts to hack into my system or gain any useful info about me for that matter. Give it a try and see how You fair out!!
Then use regedit to find this line "HKey_Local_Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentUser" in your registration database and change the "RegisteredOwner" from your real name if ya used it during install, to
something else, like "Hi I'm Bill Gates" or use your imagination. While you're at it, change your "RegisteredOrganization" to let's say "Microsoft Sucks" or whatever... (No offense intended and of course those names are the registered trademarks of their respective companies/owners.the legalize part)..
Anyway, I signed up for Steve's newsletter, and asked him if he'd make it (newsletter software) available to us non-programers when he's got it working smooth.. Through his newsletter I learned he had developed "OptOut" to take on Aureate and Timesink, the new software programs that were spying on your system and what and where you were going on the net. Hey.. I had already discovered and either deleted or disabled these guys.. including CyDoor which I sent him the specs on. Over the years I've done beta testing for a wide range of Companies and programs, no games.. After getting trashed a couple times, I developed a simple system of tracking all the files installed and changes made to my computers.. For anyone who is interested, I recommend InCtrl4 by Ziff-Davis Inc. or InstallWatch by Epsilon Squared.
As for Firewalls, I use AtGuard whose core technology was bought by
Norton/Symantec for use in their Internet Security 2001 which should provide all the benefits that made AtGuard the best (my opinion) but with a spiffy Norton interface.
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